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布魯克林籃網球員的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Sielski, Mike寫的 The Rise: Kobe Bryant and the Pursuit of Immortality 可以從中找到所需的評價。

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The Rise: Kobe Bryant and the Pursuit of Immortality

為了解決布魯克林籃網球員的問題,作者Sielski, Mike 這樣論述:

NBA傳奇籃球巨星Kobe Bryant發跡路完整披露 多篇專訪紀錄首次曝光     本書娓娓道來Kobe Bryant早年鮮為人知的故事,至意外殞落的歷程。讀者將重返Kobe Bryant父親Joe在美國費城擔任NBA職業球員的時期、舉家遷徙義大利正式開啟Kobe籃球路、再到Kobe締造費城傳奇的場景。     書中並回溯Kobe高中時帶領原本在賓州墊底的Lower Merion Aces球隊,於1995、1996年奮力摘下賓州冠軍獎座的始末,其後Kobe參加1996年NBA選秀,成功實現他的職業籃球夢,進入洛杉磯湖人隊。     美國著名體育專欄作家Mike Sielski為了撰寫本書,獨

家取得過去近30年Kobe從未曝光的受訪錄音檔及筆錄,整理出Kobe從少年時代到職涯後期的夢想、觀點和目標。     Kobe在2020年1月因直升機墜機事故離世,這齣悲劇彰顯Kobe深深形塑著全球文化。本書除了爬梳這位經典風雲人物養成路,還將深度剖析他身為「人」的本質以及對世人的影響。   各界好評:     "本書描述Kobe Bryant早期里程碑,是所有公共圖書館不可或缺的館藏!Mike Sielski著作的這本傳記將成為Kobe Bryant童年和青年時期最客觀、最權威的記錄。"--- 美國知名期刊Library Journal     "由資深體育專欄作家寫的自傳非常引人入勝...

... 球迷會喜歡Kobe Bryant非凡故事中常被忽視的細微描寫。"---美國出版業新聞周刊雜誌Publishers Weekly     "本書作者Mike Sielski有令人難以置信的洞察力。書中一開始就回到Kobe Bryant父親擔任職業球員的時期,並提供讀者許多嶄新的細節、以及在費城親近Kobe Bryant人們的觀點。每一頁都讓人目不暇給。必讀推薦!"---NBA費城76人及布魯克林籃網球隊前任經理Billy King     The inside look at one of the most captivating and consequential figures in

our culture―with never-before-heard interviews.   Kobe Bryant’s death in January 2020 did more than rattle the worlds of sports and celebrity. The tragedy of that helicopter crash, which also took the life of his daughter Gianna, unveiled the full breadth and depth of his influence on our culture,

and by tracing and telling the oft-forgotten and lesser-known story of his early life, The Rise promises to provide an insight into Kobe that no other analysis has.   In The Rise, readers will travel from the neighborhood streets of Southwest Philadelphia―where Kobe’s father, Joe, became a local b

asketball standout―to the Bryant family’s isolation in Italy, where Kobe spent his formative years, to the leafy suburbs of Lower Merion, where Kobe’s legend was born. The story will trace his career and life at Lower Merion―he led the Aces to the 1995-96 Pennsylvania state championship, a dramatic

underdog run for a team with just one star player―and the run-up to the 1996 NBA draft, where Kobe’s dream of playing pro basketball culminated in his acquisition by the Los Angeles Lakers.   In researching and writing The Rise, Mike Sielski had a terrific advantage over other writers who have atte

mpted to chronicle Kobe’s life: access to a series of never-before-released interviews with him during his senior season and early days in the NBA. For a quarter century, these tapes and transcripts preserved Kobe’s thoughts, dreams, and goals from his teenage years, and they contained insights into

and told stories about him that have never been revealed before.   This is more than a basketball book. This is an exploration of the identity and making of an icon and the effect of his development on those around him―the essence of the man before he truly became a man. MIKE SIELSKI is a column

ist for The Philadelphia Inquirer, the author of three books, and a star in the sports journalism world. Published in 2009, Fading Echoes: A True Story of Rivalry and Brotherhood from the Football Field to the Fields of Honor received rave reviews. The Associated Press Sports Editors voted him the c

ountry’s top sports columnist in 2015. Sielski lives in Bucks County, Pa., with his wife and two sons.




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