第一銀行臨櫃匯款證件的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列股價、配息、目標價等股票新聞資訊

另外網站常見問題 - 台北富邦銀行也說明:申請、登入及使用問題; 網路銀行各項服務操作常見問題. 資產負債; 存款/外匯/轉帳; 基金; 投資; 保險; 信用卡/簽帳金融卡; 繳款/費/稅; 個人服務; 其他.

中央警察大學 犯罪防治研究所 黃富源所指導 江志慶的 ATM轉帳詐欺犯罪的實證研究 (2003),提出第一銀行臨櫃匯款證件關鍵因素是什麼,來自於ATM轉帳、詐欺、日常活動、情境犯罪預防。

最後網站網購必看!郵局匯款/跨行匯款/郵局無摺匯款/無摺存款教學則補充:Q:第一種「無摺存款單」和第二種「無摺匯款單」差在哪? ... 那可以帶證件代替印章嗎? ... 如果是星期六去郵局臨櫃匯款,對方可以立刻查帳嗎?(如果他有申請網路郵局 ...




為了解決第一銀行臨櫃匯款證件的問題,作者江志慶 這樣論述:





援引「情境犯罪預防理論」增加犯罪所需的功夫、增加犯罪的風險、降低犯罪的報酬及促使產生犯罪的罪惡感或羞恥感等相關概念,針對ATM轉帳詐欺犯罪集團,從「期前整備」、「實施詐騙」及「提領贓款」等階段之「犯罪情境」,與金融、電信、司法等相關單位之作為,以一種較有系統之方法加以設計、操作和管理,擬定七十八項具體建議,提供相關單位參考。AbstractEmpirical Study on Fraud through ATM TransferalThis research sets out from the perspective of “the rational choice theory” It inv

estigates the crime of fraud through ATM transferal from three dimensions: (1) motivated offender, (2) suitable target, and (3) capable guardianship.The motives of fraud are categorized into five types: (1) low cost but high pay, (2) low risk of being arrested by police, (3) lack of deterrence due t

o light penalty, (4) bad influence from peers, and (5) corruptive social morality-prevalent idleness. The motivation of committing is not necessarily “rational choice,” but rather, many other factors are involved.The organization of fraud blocs is divided into four parts according to their assignmen

t of tasks: (1) chiefs, (2) implements, (3) money withdrawers, and (4) backstage cohorts. Chiefs fund, plan, command and negotiate. Implements bait victims with posters, ads, cell phone messages, role-plays on the telephone, and make manuals for new members. Money withdrawers rush to ATM to withdraw

money as soon as they receive the signal. Backstage cohorts are responsible for faking front men’s accounts, telephone numbers, personal information and, all kinds of IDs.Fraud criminals depend more and more on ATM as criminal tool due to the following reasons. First, abducting victims to ATM to tr

ansfer money is the fastest and safest way. Second, criminals can fabricate an emergent situation, in which truth the victims cannot find time or chance to verify. Third, it is less risky to withdraw the transferred money from the faked accounts at ATM than over the counter.Eight features of victims

are identified as: (1) greedy, (2) easily beguiled by superficies, (3) unfamiliar with the process of money transferal, (4) too self-confident, (5) indifferent to news, (6) obsessive, (7) trying, and (8) forced. The more characters one possesses, the more likely he will be victimized. In addition,

victims are also to blame. Therefore, they choose to tolerate instead of informing the police. Therefore, the researcher is convinced that the dark figure of crimes can be quite high.So far, the police’s measures- “alarmed account” and “cutting phone off”-have yielded great effects. Efficiency (Time

liness) and cooperation are crucial factors. The police must work against time to prevent the crime. In addition, cooperation from financial organizations and telecommunication bureaus are important.The police employ the following skills during their investigation: (1) fingerprint identification, (2

) telecommunication monitor (along with telecommunication records), (3) videotape monitor, and (4) entrapment. Catering to the evolving and progressing techniques used by fraud blocs, the police should also promote investigating skills constantly. The following are some suggestions derived from rese

arch findings. First, we should hold a national conference on prevention and trace of new-typed frauds immediately. Second, the National Police Administration should provide professional training for financial criminologists. Third, a system should be built to evaluate the effects of chasing new-typ

ed frauds. Finally, we should increase the rewards for chasing fraud.However, fraud through ATM transferal has been neglected by financial organizations for the following reasons. First, constructing anti-fraud hardware and software in ATM are expensive. Second, fraud cases take up only a tiny part

in the ATM deals. Third, banks are not obliged to pay their customers’ losses in cases of fraud. Therefore, banks do not want to invest. Due to bank’s apathy toward prevent ATM transferal fraud, government should intervene to regulate the financial institutes.Finally, we put forth seventy-eight con

crete suggestions, based on the concepts embedded in “Situational Crime Prevention Theory,” these suggestions include increasing crime toil, crime risk, lowering crime benefits, and promoting sense of guilty or shame. They also deal with different stages in fraud cases, such as “preparatory”, “impl

ementing”, and “prize-fetching”. This systemized method enables financial and judicial organizations and telecommunications to design, operate and manage their measures.Key words:ATM transferal, fraud, routine activity, situational crime prevention.