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國立臺灣大學 新聞研究所 劉好迪所指導 呂月琪的 誰是社群選戰贏家?Facebook, YouTube, Instagram 跨平台分析 (2019),提出New Balance korea ig關鍵因素是什麼,來自於政治傳播、均衡化、正常化、創新擴散理論、Facebook、YouTube、Instagram、社群媒體、內容分析、選戰。

而第二篇論文國立政治大學 東亞研究所 楊昊所指導 黑快明的 中美印太權力競逐與澳洲的回應: 戰略三角的分析(2013-2019) (2019),提出因為有 銳實力、印太戰略、中國、澳洲的重點而找出了 New Balance korea ig的解答。


除了New Balance korea ig,大家也想知道這些:

New Balance korea ig進入發燒排行的影片

Sue's IG:
Jo's IG:

Hey guys,
It seems like it took us forever to edit this vlog. But we hope we are not too late~ First, we would like to thank you guys for all the bday wishes. You guys made our day even more special and warmer ?? We hope that we can continue to celebrate more bdays with you guys ???

We realised we only have 5000-word limitation here so we couldn't answer everyone. Sorry guys~ We'll probably answer them in our other vlogs.

Lots of love,
Jo & Sue

? What kind of app you use to edit your insta stories?
Sue: Inshot app. Cinema 02 filter + grains OR I use SNOW app
Jo: VSCO. M5 filter, M5 +2.8, Exposure +0.4, Contrast +0.5, Sharpen +4.1, White Balance : Temperature -0.9, Tint +1.2, Vignette +8.0, Grain +4.0

? How to you manage alone time?
We both have our own routine & we respect each other space. We actually spend most of our time alone~ Just in the vlog it seems like we are together 24/7

? If all expenses paid and no pain at all, what kind of plastic surgery would you girls do?
Love this question! We do get sponsorship offer for plastic surgery and we have kinda high tolerance for pain but we still rejected the offer =) We don’t think we would change a thing~ It’s not that we are happy with everything that we’re born with just that we think we rather learn to love what we are given. That being said, we are not against plastic surgery either.

? With your current income, do you guys be able to make a living on your own?
We survived. LOL~ It’s not a lot but we love what we do and we’ll continue to work hard.

? What happens if you are over 35 and have not married yet?
Good question~ We don’t think it should be an issue. Married or not, it won't change a thing =)

? Is there any tips or book recommended to start reading?
We all have different book preferences. When people say they are not a reader we always think that they have not found the right book. It’s not you, it’s the book LOL So keep searching and keep reading. Don’t feel bad to leave a book if you don’t like it~

? What if one day you two fall in love with the same guy?
It’s not going to happen~ We both have different taste in guys

? If you were to focus on one thing you can improve on, what would it be?
Sue: I would like to improve my sleeping habit. I need to sleep early.
Jo: For work, I want to improve my Photoshop skill. For personal, I want to overcome my fear of crowds.

? What is something which gives you happiness recently?
Jo: Baking cakes & learning crochet
Sue: Exercising & Baking breads

? Places / Country you guys want to travel when C19 ends or safe to travel again?
Jo: Korea
Sue: Taiwan~ Since we’re learning Mandarin, I think Taiwan is the great to practice my Mandarin. Plus, I like Taiwan.

? What’s your preference in guys?
Jo: I like hardworking guys. And also someone who knows how to enjoy life alone and with people too.
Sue: I like animated guys… I’ll leave it as that. LOL

? What made you start your own business? How to solve it when no customer buy?
We started our first business as a side thing. We just love clothings and we thought selling clothing would be fun. When we closed our clothing business down, opening another business seems like a familiar thing to do~
& how to get more customers? You can pay for ads. Get influencers to promote your business. Get family and friends to spread the news.

? Do you guys inspire each other? Who inspire who the most?
We both have different style so we get inspirations from outside sources ( like on Pinterest, YouTube or Instagram)

? How tall are you guys? Both of you look so tall.
We get that a lot. But we are tiny~ 157cm =)

?What’s the cutest thing someone did for you?
Jo: The cutest thing is when a perfect stranger gave me an extra rose because he saw my then bf only gave me one stalk of rose. lol
Sue: When my mum bought us balloons on our birthday

? Advice to those who are entering into their 20s?
Jo: If you just entering your 20s, Welcome to adulthood~
My advice … Live & Be happy. Do what you love. Learn about yourself as much as you can. Learn new things. Try new things. and use SPF HAHA!

Sue: This is an exciting time. Like what Jo said, "Learn about yourself as much as you can". It's the time you get to choose what you want to do, what you want to be and be sure to choose wisely who you surround yourself with. .
Music by frumhere, kevatta - a lover's wishlist -
Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa -
Music by Syphax - Rose Lips -
Music by ninjoi. - Nishi -
Music by Gil Wanders - Lost / Found -
Music by Chinsaku - Blossom -
Music by frumhere, kevatta - warm feeling -
Music by eSNa - Playboy -

誰是社群選戰贏家?Facebook, YouTube, Instagram 跨平台分析

為了解決New Balance korea ig的問題,作者呂月琪 這樣論述:


透過均衡化假設(Equalization hypothesis)/正常化假設(Equalization hypothesis)和創新擴散理論(Diffusion of Innovation Theory),探討透過社群媒體改變政治體制權力平衡的可能性?不同社群媒體在均衡化/正常化假設的傾向為何?最後,本研究聚焦Instagram在選戰期間的應用,以量化分析和人工編碼的內容分析,針對26位台北市議員在2018年臺灣地方選舉發布的543篇Instagram貼文,分析其使用策略為何?不同政黨成員的使用策略與成效有何異同?促成貼文成功的策略又是什麼?本研究主要採用R語言進行數據蒐集、清理、量化分析。再

進一步透過研究者編碼的內容分析法和迴歸分析法研究Instagram的使用策略和貼文成功指標分析。研究結果發現,政治人物們在Facebook上的使用率接近百分之百,YouTube和Instagram的使用率則由2015年成立的小型政黨時代力量佔優勢。女性比男性更傾向於使用社交媒體。相較之下,Instagram吸引更年輕的用戶。本研究聚焦創新擴散理論與均衡/正常化假說的辯論。在三個平台中,Facebook符合均衡化假設; YouTube的高成本平台特質強化了標準化假設,Instagram符合均衡化假設。本研究追蹤2009年至2019年政治人物們對社交媒體的使用,探討Facebook從均衡化到正常化

的轉變。針對Instagram,本研究藉由創新擴散模型歸納,該平台具有發展為選戰策略工具的潛能與趨勢,是剛興起的政治工具,因此本研究也對Instagram未來趨向正常化假設的可能性進行了預測。最後觀察Instagram的使用策略發現,Instagram還沒有被策略性地作為一個動員平台。在貼文策略的十個主題分類中,最常被採用的貼文類型是「選民互動(Fan contact)」和「懇請支持(Pleae vote)」。國民黨政治人物傾向使用「背書策略(Endorsement)」,也是唯一使用「負面策略(Negative)」的政黨,然而這種方法趨於正常化假設,不符合Instagram的均衡化傾向,因此並

未帶來良好的互動成效。政治人物們並沒有善用「個性化策略(Personalization)」,藉由發文凸顯他們的個人形象。另外,針對什麼策略影響貼文的愛心數?本文透過量化分析發現,「名人代言(Celebrity Endorsement)」策略是觸動貼文收到較多讀者按讚數的關鍵要素。

中美印太權力競逐與澳洲的回應: 戰略三角的分析(2013-2019)

為了解決New Balance korea ig的問題,作者黑快明 這樣論述:

澳洲於第二次世界大戰結束後,由當時的外交部長Herbert V. Evatt在美國舊金山舉行的聯合國制憲會議(The San Francisco Conference)上,首次提出了「中型強權外交」(middle power diplomacy)概念;Kevin Rudd擔任總理時,主張澳洲在國際事務上應採取「中型強權外交」,除了追求澳洲的經濟和安全利益、在國際事務上發揮積極作用之外,在面對強權崛起時也要能夠堅持自己的立場。澳洲身為亞太地區重要的中型強權,自二次世界大戰以來即與美國保持緊密的盟友關係,亦在所處的南太平洋地區扮演領導地位,協助美國維持亞太地區的區域安全以及美國的主導優勢。然而,

近年來美中兩國在亞太區域日益激烈的權力競逐,以及川普政府外交政策的不確定性,引發了澳洲的不安全感;另一方面,中國的銳實力對澳洲在內政與外交上的滲透也為澳中關係帶來諸多的不確定性。本文主要研究兩個個案,分別是澳中與澳美關係。研究時間分為兩個時段:第一時段,是2013年習近平擔任中國國家主席至2017年川普就任美國總統之前;第二時段,是2017年川普就任美國總統迄今。並以Lowell Dittmer的「戰略三角」作為本文的分析架構,研究澳洲與中國、澳洲與美國兩個個案的三角關係。第一個時段,2013年至2017年澳洲與中國、澳洲與美國的三角關係為「羅曼蒂克型」:澳洲為樞紐、中美兩國均為側翼。澳洲在「

安全靠美國、經濟靠中國」的原則指導下,採取「避險」策略,同時與中國及美國保持友好關係,均為正利得,而中美兩國處於「權力移轉」狀態下,中國極可能挑戰美國的霸權領導地位假設下,兩國處於既競爭又合作的競合關係。第二個時段,2017年迄今的澳洲與中國、澳洲與美國的三角關係,由於中國同時與美國發生貿易戰、南海自由航行權、美軍派遣軍機及軍艦穿越台灣海峽等爭端,以及澳洲在前總理Malcolm Turnbull任內通過「反外國干預法」、情報組織指出,中國疑似涉嫌以駭客攻擊澳洲政府、各政黨及大學與研究單位網路系統等,使得澳中兩國關係摩擦不斷,形成「結婚型」的美中澳戰略三角關係:亦即,三方之中有兩方(美、澳)維持
